Saturday, September 20, 2008

"The fruit of the Spirit's not an apple"

How is it that a menial task for some, can be such an exciting experience for another?
Last week I went fruit picking with some Railtons. It was something that we had planned to do the week earlier but due to hurricane, we had to stay home. We had be pumped for this for weeks and so when we finally got to go we were so excited! We piled into a van and drove an hour and a half to an orchard near Woodstock! When we got there, it looked like we were in heaven!

We drove in and went deep into the orchard, tasting a few varieties on the way. (we were hoping to remember which ones we liked on the way back!) We stumbled across some that we really liked and all of a sudden we were picking like crazy! Running up and down the isles of apple trees searching for the perfect fruit! We would make ourselves stop and drive to get different apples. Someone would soon spot the perfect looking apple trees and we would be off again, racing to pick the cream of the crop! We did the for hours until our stomachs were craving some real sustenance, so we opened the back of the car to discover sooooo many apples! We weren't too sure what we would do with them all bu had big dreams for anything and everything apple you could imagine!

There was one particuar type of apple we were very proud of. It was half a rough yellow, and half a bright red. A little discussion and we realized it must be a hybrid of a pear and an apple! What a find! Two tastes which were SO delicious! We get to the gate and eagerly ask the owner if we were correct in our findings but she told us that they were frost bitten apples!

I think if we surveyed evey apple we picked that day we would never be able to find 'the perfect' apple! They were all great in their own way, but I could never decide! We had thought that the Papple (pear apple) was the greatest, but then we were told it was one of the rejects! I think sometimes we try and find the best Sunday School program, or the best worship CD, or the best Bible Application. We could look all day and still need to search! Youth Work is about giving your best, but it's not about being THE best! It is extemely important to research and study and do you best work, but in the end it is God who moves hearts! We could put on the greatest VBS of all time and not see any kids saved if we don't put God at the front of it all.

So i need to remember to work hard, and to give it my all, but always remember to let God move!

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