Sunday, November 16, 2008

Mining for Diamonds

On Oct 31st and Nov 1st the Railton Team was able to take a day trip to the Metro Ministries in Brooklyn. This was my second time seeing the ministry and it was an overall great experience. The ministry was thriving with people from all over the world giving up their time to volunteer with the program. The program is highly volunteer based, but still has so many people willing to help.

One thing they did that I really liked was the truck ministry. I would really love to utilize this plan when I get into my youth worker position. It would definitely be a struggle to pull off but I think with some tweaking of ideas it was be possible! The truck would be the biggest obstacle being that money is not limitless, but the principle of the ministry is there! Go to where the kids are and being fun, games, and the gospel. It was awesome to be involved in going and doing advertising when the kids were getting out of school. It is a prime time to get their attention. Too often we think of putting up flyers and speaking to assemblies, but the best thing to do it word of mouth and telling the kids, getting them pumped up and excited!

The kids seemed to learn so much from these programs and I am excited to incorporate them into my ministry.

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