Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Honoring Tradition

This weekend I had the privilege of visiting and ministering at the Bellaire Corps in Ohio. I helped to teach the kids Sunday School class, lead worship in the holiness meeting and shared a Children’s Five also in the Holiness meeting.

The Officer in Bellaire is really great at working with kids. She does no advertising but somehow has a kids ministry that is constantly growing! The lesson she had planned was to do with giving your whole heart to Jesus. At the end of the lesson it was time to pray and she helped the kids to understand the importance of the mercy seat. The whole Sunday School class the kids would stand on the kneeling bench, laid down on it etc. They were not being disrespectful; they just did not know the importance of the mercy seat. Instead of reprimanding the kids for doing something they didn’t necessarily know was wrong, she waited until the end of the lesson for when it was time to pray. She described what the mercy seat was, why it was there and how we should use it and respect God by respecting it. She then asked all the kids to kneel at the bench and showed them how to pray there. I was then able to lead them in a special time of prayer.

This was a great experience for me! I believe we are able to teach the importance of tradition to kids and they can understand it! I want to try and incorporate using the mercy seat in our Children’s meetings at Wednesday ministry site. We are always encouraged to help kids make a decision, but it would be great for them to know that the mercy seat is a place they can come to pray and be prayed for. I believe this could build a great ministry!

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