Tuesday, February 10, 2009

First Night

This week was the first week Team A did ministry in Newburg, NY. Newburg is known to be one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in New York, but if home to so many great children who want nothing more than a safe place to be!

This week I learned that quality is not dependent on location. Too often we think that anything will do when ministering to kids, but at Railton we learn that we need to give the best! Not just the best as in the most fun, but as in the most theologically sound, the best styles for kids to learn, the best of ourselves! And of course, we need to make it the best fun too! Just because we are not ministering in a rich, suburban neighborhood, doesn’t mean we don’t have to create a quality message!

I am really glad that our whole team has this same view! We are eagerly preparing for our next visit to Newburg on Wednesday, and we have already spent 12 hours together prepping the lessons, as well as time separately too! We are praying for God to really move in the kids hearts this week and that they would be open and responsive to the message that they can have ‘faith in the hard times!’

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