Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Ministry Techniques continued.

Each week at Ministry Site I learn a new technique; often a technique accidentally stumbled upon by circumstance. When working with urban kids there are challenges that need to be overcome. I do not want to make a generalization, but urban kids seem to have a hard time listening and following instructions. This could be caused by home life, relationships with peers and teachers, and the social culture attitudes that they are subject to every day. One thing is for certain, when you get a lot of kids together who have been in school all day and have been doing homework since school gets out; there will be chaos; but this chaos can always be constructive!

One thing I have learned this week is simply the importance of chairs! When playing games in the gym, I have found that having chairs around the walls of the gym helps to bring order! When we are playing a “last man standing” type of game, the kids are usually instructed to stand against the wall once they are out. This usually causes a huge ruckus, not because of sadness from getting out, but from being so antsy that they get over excited which causes an environment for bad behavior. However, when chairs were placed for the kids to sit in when they got out and cheer on the other kids, they were well behaved and excited to watch the game that was going on in front of them!

Another thing that I noticed today is that when you are having fun in the game, the kids have fun! It is funny to note that when we are really having fun, the kids know! This lifts the kids spirits and also lifts mine too!

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