Monday, April 20, 2009

Lennox House

This past week I had the opportunity to visit Lennox House. Lennox House is a government funded house, run by The Salvation Army, to house teen boys between the ages of 10 and 16 who are awaiting their court date. They are there for crimes that would normally have an older person sent to jail but because of their age they are tried through the family court.

This house comes with strict rules and ethics. There are many things that cannot come into the building such as: sharp objects, gang colored shirts, etc. For this reason each boy must wear a white shirt so as not to produce gang affiliation amongst the boys. Remarkably, the boys are quite well behaved and seem to have alot of respect for the people in charge of the program.

This program was great to see because it is ministry right where we need to be. Often times these boys could be seen as 'time wasters' or 'not worth the effort', but they are actually boys that are trying to succeed in life, but they don't know the best way to do this. They could have ended up in this house for a number of reasons, some of which may be out of their control. What we need to see in Christ's love for them which doesn't keep any record of wrongs and loves unconditionally. They need to know and understand the love of Christ, which is what will ultimately set them free show them how to succeed not in the ways of the world but in the ways of Christ.

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