Monday, May 11, 2009

A new leaf...

Lately I have been discovering more increasingly how great God’s plan is. I gaze back over my life and see that there has constantly been different times or eras or learning. At each new turn I have learned a new lesson. Sometimes it is a lesson I have never been taught before and other times it is a lesson that that I have known all along, but I have only just learned it in a deeper way. These lessons are the profound ones that have shaped who I am today.

The German language has two words for knowledge. The first involves head knowledge. This is something that you have been taught and you know in your mind to be true. The second, however, is to do with heart knowledge. This knowledge is something that you know deeper than a head knowledge, it is what you know, what you feel, what you have experienced, and what you know with all of your soul.

If I look back at the past few months I can easily see the two major lessons that God has been teaching me. One regards something I have known since I became a Christian, and the other is something completely new. The first is regarding Holiness, and the second is regarding God’s plan!

My year at Railton actually started off with me picking a bible story and theme that I wanted to work on for the rest of the year. I chose Moses and “God’s Plan for You”. Little did I know would I be learning more about God’s plan for ME, than I ever thought I would!

I have discovered countless reasons why God allowed me to return home last year. I have discovered countless reasons why I am in the current Railton class. I have discovered countless reasons as to why I am where I am. And these are just the reasons that I see. I am sure there are a million more reasons as to why God is doing what he is doing! We will never understand why God does what he does, especially when we are in the moment. But we can ALWAYS trust that his plan is greater than any plan that we could ever think of! It has happened to me countless times, and even if you haven’t realized it yet – it has happened to you!

I am extremely excited for the journey I am about to embark on in Newport, Kentucky. I am turning over a new leaf, but there is still a tree full of leaves that are turning without my knowledge. I am so glad God is in control! There is no better place to be than in His care!

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