Tuesday, May 5, 2009


This past weekend we had the privilege of going to the Southern New England Division to host a Children’s Work and Programs Workshop. We also met with the RICONN group and helped them lead a Sunday Service and Carnival for the Willimantic Corps. I was fortunate enough to help one girl write her testimony to share in the Sunday service. This is something that I was asked to do on the last minute, but it was great not only to see that the RICONN student would willingly volunteer to give her testimony, but also that I was able to teach her how to do so without having to prep anything because I was able to use skills that I have picked up during the year to teach her.

Barbra Labracque gave permission for me to share her testimony with you.
“When I was growing up my parents would always fight and it ended in a divorce. After that I became mad because my family split apart and my life went downhill. I was failing most of my classes in school and several horrible events started happening that made me doubt how much God really loved me. I even stopped going to church.
But, then one Sunday morning I was watching T.V. and a commercial for a Gospel CD played. It was one of my favorite songs from church. That’s when I realized the life I was living wasn’t how I should. That morning I went back to church and devoted my life to the Lord.
Now, my grades are back up and I’m in a good school. My Mom has seen a big difference in me and she trusts me a lot now. The more I am in church the safer I feel. It’s like when you are two and your Dad has you on his shoulders and you trust him not to drop you. That’s how I feel. I feel as nothing can happen. That’s why I’m more involved in church than most of my friends want me to be. And that’s ok because I know I am with the Lord and I am having fun. But even if my past comes back or something bad happens, I know I can trust the Lord.
So if your down and life isn’t going well, turn to the Lord and he will help you. He is the only one who can turn your life around.”
Visiting SNE was a great experience. We were able to sow seeds in peoples’ lives and help a division to grow!

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