Friday, September 12, 2008

Pray Without Ceasing.

My second Railton experience has begun and I am two weeks into one of the craziest experiences that anyone could have! And I love it! Before coming to to Railton this year, I spend a lot of time praying and pondering about what this year would bring. I had concerns that I would constantly compare the two Class years, but after all my worrying it has come to be that this 'comparing' has not been an issue at all. From the first day I could clearly see that both Classes that I am a part of are different and unique in their own ways and I could never love one more!

One characteristic that I have noticed in the past two weeks is that our group loves to pray! Now I am not saying that the '07 class didn't or didn't like to pray, but prayer has been at the forefront of many things we do during the day. This last week we collectively spend 16 hours and 15 mins in the Boiler (Prayer) Room praying to God. This was not something that we were required to do or something that felt like a chore, but was something that we desired to do as a part of our everyday lives!

Prayer is such an important part of our lives and it is something that can be done anywhere! We don't need a Boiler Room to pray in, but it definately is beneficial as a place to go and be only with Christ! It is an amazing experience that can be surpassed by none.


Ashley said...

aw im so glad you love us Bree!!!

Steve Bussey said...

Hi Bree,

We are so proud of you guys! I guess the "Prayer Warriors" spirit has infected "The Reclaimers" as well! :)

We are so happy that you are back and pray that all will go well this next year as you dig into all that the Lord has planned for you.