Monday, January 12, 2009

But I want to be Patient NOW!!!

Patience is one of those things that we all want to have, but don’t particularly want to go through the process of receiving it! If can be a long and strenuous route, but it is funny how, with God, those things that takes the longest and are the hardest to get, are the most rewarding!
During my experience in the Railton class of 2008-2010 I endured a time of growing in patience. Through a long list of small mistakes of filing wrong forms and missing paperwork, I came to find that my visa application to continue studying at Railton was denied and I would have to return home to Australia during Preview Weekend in early February (when I found out it was January 26th!). It was something that I didn’t see coming, but once it hit it was like a semi-trailer with its high beam lights on! All of a sudden everything I knew was turned upside down and I would have to leave some of my best friends in a few days! Not only did I have to return to Australia, I had to wait to reapply for the next school year because I could not apply for the same visa again in the same school year! I thought that I would only be home 2-3 months before I would be able to return to visit my friends in NY and ME, and my sister in MN. Well, this wasn’t the case! It turns out that a denied visa is not looked upon with vigor when applying for another visa. A process that should have taken a few weeks to a few months took SIX MONTHS! It seemed like all I could do during this time was wait… and wait… and then wait some more. I did all that I could do, and the rest was in the hands of the American Government. However, the American Government was not the only one with my case in their hands; I was blessed to know and be assured and first and foremost, my case was in the hands of God! It was a long and grueling process of waiting, but I came to find that this was a part of God’s ultimate plan. Had I gone back to America early I would not have been able to spend the quality time with my friends and family at home and been able to impart a little Christ into their lives. Looking back I consider it with great joy that I was able to go through this process! I am currently back at Railton and could think of no better place for me to be at this exact moment. I am learning great truths and about the Lord and about my calling in Youth Ministry and loving every step of the way!
While I am still learning to be patient every day, I thank God that He was able to teach me true patience during this trying time. Even though I struggled and squirmed at first, I was able to rest in His loving arms and be truly comforted by His words: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7).” In His arms there is no better place to be!

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