Monday, January 19, 2009

Is your Inbox greater than your Outbox?

The alarm goes off... wake up, shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, check my e-mail, go to the gym, do homework, run downstairs for class... oh, and spend time with God.

It's not just the mornings that tend to be busy, but our whole lives seem to be running on a tight schedule. There is alot to do and a little time to do it in and too often we neglect the things that don't seem as important. But since when is time alone with God lowest on the priority list.

I'm sure we can all remember a time when God was at the top of the "To Do" list, so to speak. But then one day you didn't get enough time to read your bible, then the next there isn't enough time for a hearty prayer, then all of a sudden you realize that you are running on empty. Not just empty physically, but empty spiritually.

This past week we were able to go to Reload, NYC. It was a time spent with 800 other youth workers from all over NY to "Reload" ourselves. It was such a positive experience to be able to feed on the word of God and wrestle with issues facing youths and youth workers today. The day lead me to ponder the question: "Is your Inbox greater than your Outbox?" In this I mean, Is your time spend getting ministered to larger than the time your minister to others. There is only so much we can give of ourselves before we lose ourselves. If we continue to give and give and give but don't leave time to receive from the Holy Spirit, all of our efforts will be in vain.

Sometimes it seems like there isn't enough time to spend a large chunk of it daily with God, but it is the ONE thing that will give us energy for our day!

A Red Bull energy drink only provides a shot of energy, but we will soon burn out. The Holy Spirit provides never ending gasoline for the fir to keep burning.

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